Corporate Events

We tailor our high-quality video capture, professional photography, and expert lighting to your specific needs, insuring a memorable and impactful event!

  • Presentations

    Display larger than life images, graphics, videos, or data to get your point across to your audience!

    Wow them with your impressive backgrounds that captivate and hold their attention.

  • Hybrid

    Hybrid Events allow for in person and virtual participants to interact with one another on our LED Wall.

    Display zoom rooms or participants along with hosting game shows or interactive activities.

  • Customize

    Our highly configurable 80 foot by 10 foot LED wall allows us to take you anywhere you can dream of.

    We’ll bring our wall to your venue to display videos, images, or graphics for your audience!

Proven Results

Mary Kay

Brundige Creative

We built a separate wall for interviews that took place with lead sales members during the Mary Kay annual convention that took place in Dallas.

We took our LED panels to our client to ensure there needs of having the interviews take place where there talents were located. Instead of having to bring them into our studio. We brought XR to them! With a versatile and efficient team the setup was a breeze that made for a dynamic background that was changeable per talent with the click of a button. The team was able to make a quick turn around that allowed for these interviews to be shown during the convention on their main stage.

Fear Into Faith

We ran Fear Into Faiths in person event along with working with their virtual team to display live chats, emojis, backgrounds, and their virtual team members on the wall to interact with their live audience.

Our team assisted with lighting, sound, cameras, and operating the LED Wall for there event!

Christ For The Nations Envision Gala

We worked alongside CFNI’s amazing team to support their fundraising gala.

Displaying IMAG for their speakers, sponsorship info, videos to recap their year ,and graphics to help them gain the donations that assist with the work they do throughout the year. We also supported them with running lighting, cameras, and sound for their event to create an immersive environment for all their guest to enjoy.

Our Results Speak For You


Our Results Speak For You 〰️